Christian Lund, Associate Pastor

    “There is no better place to be then the center of God’s will.” That’s a phrase I keep reminding myself of everyday. I was born a Yankee in the wild and crazy state of Pennsylvania in 1986 but instead of boring you with all the minor details of life I'll just tell you that God is awesome. God pulled me out of the darkness I was in at the age of 14. My mother passed away and I was forced to make life altering decisions for both me and my sister. We moved to a new area with family who decided it was important that God be a huge part of my life. At this point I wanted nothing to do with God but God wanted everything to do with me. By that I mean He knew He had a plan and He never gave up on me. I had hiccups along the way but I accepted the calling to youth ministry my senior year in High School and went to Philadelphia Biblical University (Currently Cairn University) majoring in Youth Ministry. Upon graduation, I furthered my education at Liberty University with a M.A in Pastoral Counseling.

     While at Liberty I met my amazing, beautiful, smart and Godly wife Courtney. We married in 2011. Our family grew in 2012 with the birth of our daughter Savannah. We have had the opportunity to serve in the local church in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. After being away from full time ministry and working in the secular world, God called me back to serving the local church body right here in Collinsville VA. I love every minute of it minus the Virginia Tech Fans….Ok I even love working with the Tech fans. We are a family who loves to travel, so if you don’t see us around the church or at our home, chances are we somewhere half way around the globe. As much as we enjoy traveling, we understand there is no place like home.

     I pray that God continues to bless this church and that He will use me to further his Kingdom in Henry County and beyond. Just like I started, I will finish by saying “there is no better place to be then the center of God’s Will.” Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord with all our heart. I pray you do that and maybe that will translate into giving our church a shot in your journey with Christ. Please reach out to us if you have any questions, a prayer request or just need someone to talk with.